Thursday, December 31, 2020


Dear Comadres,

Happy New Year!

Hallelujah! We have finally shut the door on 2020. Yes, we are still working from home, and we are social distancing, and wearing masks, but 2021 is full of promise.

New for Las Comadres will be a Speaker Series via zoom. We will have a monthly keynote speaker each month on different topics, and Comadres everywhere are invited to join us and listen in. Our inaugural speaker will be Sylvia Acevedo on Wednesday, January 27. She will speak about "New Year, New Outlook For Latinas In America."  We will record her session and post to our new YouTube Channel.

Our websites will be updated this year, which we are very excited about. We'll let you know when to visit them: Las Comadres ( and Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club (

There will also be a quarterly newsletter. Tentative publication date will be in the Spring. We will have a contest to name the newsletter. Start thinking of names. The newsletter will highlight Comadres, their accomplishments and their history. Some Comadres have been with us for 20+ years. (Thank you, Comadres!)

Plus! Las Comadres celebrates its 21st Anniversary this year. And pandemic or no pandemic, we are having our Worldwide Comadrazo in April. We will be virtual this year. There will be a special keynote speaker, breakout rooms, a speech from our founder Nora De Hoyos Comstock, and we are introducing The Nora Awards for a Comadre of the Year, Comadre Community Service, and a Friend of Las Comadres (for a corporation).

There will be other surprises during the year, but we'll start with these.

So wear your masks, use your hand sanitizers, and keep social distancing.

Wishing you all the very best for 2021!


Maria Ferrer
Director of Programs
Las Comadres Para Las Americas

"Winners are not People who never Fail, but People who never Quit."