Tuesday, July 2, 2024


by Rose Costas Dietrich


Las Comadres Garden Club celebrates its 20th Anniversary this year.  

The Club started after I had attended several Comadrazos and found many other Comadres who also liked to garden. I had gotten some Flamboyant seeds from my father and put several of them in medium pots, and when they all sprouted, I posted a message through the Comadres network to give the little trees away and I would also mail seeds to several Comadres in the area.

 Our first meeting was in mid-August of 2004 at Velia Sanchez home in South Austin. She was a great first host since she is a master gardener. We had about ten people who attended.

 Since then, we have met every quarter on a Saturday morning at different Comadres homes. We bring food and plants, cuttings and/or seeds which we exchange during our meeting. We also do an informal tour of the hostess’ garden during the meeting.

 Sometimes we have presentations and sometimes we do a garden project. The core group is made up of about two dozen Comadres.

 I am so thankful for the Las Comadres Garden Club especially right after my father died two weeks after our first meeting. We had to take a break during Covid and had no meetings for four years, but we started again this year in time to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. I will be hosting the next meeting in September, and we will be doing a special garden art project. After all, Gardening is our Passion!


Rose Costas Dietrich has been a Comadre and part of the Las Comadres Garden Club for 20 years.


In the garden, We cultivate not

just plants, but also the joy of Life.


This article appeared in the 2024 Summer Comadres Connect! Newsletter.  

Visit our website at www.lascomadres.com.

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