Tuesday, July 2, 2024


By Esperanza Beltrán


Terry & Nora
  Terry Saucedo, Inland Empire’s longtime facilitator, was kind enough to meet with me a few weeks ago to talk about their group, famously known for their sixteen-year streak of not missing a single meeting. They did miss one meeting, but that was only because of a mishap in communication, so let’s not count it on this occasion. 

 Comadre Terry is a single mom, an avid salsa dancer, and a busy working woman, who loves her Comadres group. When we met two years ago, Terry was remodeling the bathroom of her 102-year-old home. She has since painted it, remodeled the kitchen, and she is now revamping her front yard. Despite her busy schedule, she maintains the Inland Comadres Facebook group and ensures everyone is kept up to date. 

 The Inland Empire Comadres gather on the first Friday of the month. They have kept their meeting process the same over the years, trying their best to hold to Nora’s vision for the organization: women gathering to connect. They each get the same amount of time to share before moving on to the next person, they eat afterward and have time to extend their conversations. 

 Over the years, Terry says, their meetings became a need, something that infuses their busy lives with a fresh and uplifting feeling that can only come from gathering with other women.  This July will mark their Sweet Sixteen which calls for a celebration that is currently being planned. Just like their Quinceañera last year, this year’s celebration is sure to be a success.

 It must be noted that among these Comadres there are about five spouses and significant others who have also been attending meetings for the past 15 years.  They are Honorary Comadres; living proof of the special connection Comadres have with each other and with each other’s  families. Here’s to another sixteen years for the Inland Empire Comadres!

 “To me,” Terry, says, “from the very beginning, [Las Comadres] just meant friendship and sisterhood.”  

Las Comadres inland Empire Network (CA)
Last year's 15th Anniversary

This article appeared in the 2024 Summer Comadres Connect! Newsletter.  
Visit our website at www.lascomadres.com.

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